Implementasi Internet of Things Menggunakan Sensor DHT 11 Untuk Monitoring Suhu dan Kelembapan Ruang Inkubator Bayi dengan Platform Thingspeak

  • Tusaria Tri Wahyu Ningrum Universitas Harapan Bangsa
  • Deny Nugroho Triwibowo Universitas Harapan Bangsa
  • Arif Setia Sandi A Universitas Harapan Bangsa
Keywords: Inkubator, DHT11, ThingSpeak


This research aims to develop a system for monitoring temperature and humidity within a baby incubator room using a DHT11 sensor based on the Internet of Things (IoT) technology. The primary objective is to provide convenience to nurses or midwives in monitoring and collecting data without the need for direct on-site checks. This system utilizes the ThingSpeak platform as a data storage web server connected to the DHT11 sensor to detect temperature and humidity. ThingSpeak's advantage lies in its capability to be accessed through PCs or smartphones, and it's also integrated with MathWorks' MATLAB cloud software for data visualization. In the execution of this research, the methodology employed includes the prototype solution method for the research process and the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) method to calculate sensor accuracy levels. As a result, this system is capable of real-time temperature and humidity monitoring for 24 hours, with data visualizable through the ThingSpeak platform. Therefore, it is expected that this system can enhance the quality of baby incubator monitoring, alleviate nurse fatigue, and minimize potential errors in data readings.

How to Cite
Wahyu Ningrum, T., Triwibowo, D., & Sandi A, A. (2023). Implementasi Internet of Things Menggunakan Sensor DHT 11 Untuk Monitoring Suhu dan Kelembapan Ruang Inkubator Bayi dengan Platform Thingspeak. Seminar Nasional Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 3(1), 225-233.